The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Foundation supports Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital by encouraging financial commitments that will ensure quality patient care today and in the future.
With government financial restraints, the Foundation's activities are essential in helping TDMH keep pace with changing technology and advances in the delivery of health care. By providing financial donations to TDMH Foundation, you will continue to support a tradition of ensuring a healthy future for Tillsonburg and the tri-county community.
Since 1984, generous contributions of the community have allowed the TDMH Foundation to provide $13,000,000 to the hospital for the purchase of necessary medical equipment, including:
- Colonscopes
- IV Pumps
- Cataract Trays
- Portable PAtient Lift and ceiling lift
- Recliner Tilt Chair
- ICU Bed
- Medical Device Washer / Disinfectors
- Glidescope
- Stretchers
- Vital signs machines
- IT Computer Upgrades
Thank you for your generosity. You help us meet the needs of present and future generations in our care. Your gift will make a difference.
Our Mission is to assist the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital in building a healthy community by raising funds for new and replacement equipment, facility upgrades and to support special projects of the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital.
Building community support today for our Hospital’s future needs.
The Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital (TDMH) Foundation is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. The Foundation oversees its responsibilities in accordance with Canada Revenue regulations and administers the funds entrusted to us by our donors with honour and integrity. The Foundation does not provide funds for any Hospital operating costs. CRA #105285019RR0001
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Foundation
167 Rolph Street
Tillsonburg, ON, N4G 3Y9
Phone: (519) 842-3611, Ext. 5311
Fax: (519) 842-6733