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Patient & Family Feedback

We are here to support you through your experience at the hospital and assist you with questions or concerns. Whether you have a complaint, a suggestion or a compliment, we’d like to hear your feedback.

What is Patient Relations?

Patient relations is a process that provides a way to track the quality of the patients’ experience. It is a way to identify opportunities for improvements to better meet the needs and expectations of patients and their families.

How do I share a good story or compliment?

We always appreciate hearing a good story or compliment about your patient experience at the hospital. If you feel a certain aspect of your hospital experience was exceptional, or you wish to recognize someone, please let us know.  To provide your feedback you can call the administration or contact Patient Relations at 519-842-3611, extension 5336, or send us your comments in writing to

Please consider completing our Patient and Family Experience Survey to provide further feedback by clicking the following link as applicable:

Click here to complete the In-Patient  experience survey.

Click here to complete the Emergency Department & Ambulatory Clinics experience survey.

Click here to complete the Day Surgery experience survey.

What do I do if I have a concern or suggestion for improvement regarding an aspect of care for my family member or that I have received at TDMH?

We welcome your feedback. We encourage you to try to resolve your questions or concerns directly with the people involved in your care, as soon as possible. The nurses and your physician are excellent sources of information. They will listen and respond to your concerns.

If concerns are still not resolved to your satisfaction, or you are not sure who to speak to, contact Patient Relations at 519-842-3611, extension 5336, or send us your comments in writing to

We have a formal process to investigate, resolve and record complaints.  We take your feedback very seriously and we are continuously working to improve your experience.  We are generally available from 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.  We will work to respond to you within 2 business days.

If you need more support

If you have completed a complaint process with Patient Relations and you weren’t satisfied with the outcome, the Ontario Patient Ombudsman can offer free, confidential support. 

They facilitate resolutions and investigate patient and caregiver complaints about patient care and health care experiences in public hospitals as well as long-term care homes and Home and Community Care Services.

All regulated health professionals belong to regulatory bodies called “Colleges”.   If your complaint is only about a regulated health professional, such as a physician, nurse, physiotherapist, etc., you can contact the appropriate College (e.g. College of Physicians and Surgeons).  Click here for a list of the Ontario Health Regulatory Colleges.